a) make the man.
b) aren't necessary. (I'm a nudist.)
c) transform a (more or less) rational woman into a pathetic, blubbering mess on the nursery floor, surrounded by a mountain of outgrown onesies, as she wipes tears off of her phone screen while texting her husband about how her babies are growing up so fast.
The correct answer here is C (clearly). I'm not a nudist, nor have I intentions on becoming one. Then again, I never had intentions of becoming a clinging, sentimental mommy who gets weepy thinking about how quickly her precious, tiny angels are turning into adults who will leave her and never want her kisses and snuggles ever again. Ugh.
To combat this rising
So, yeah...best intentions. I guess we'll see how the nudist thing turns out after all.
Outfits for their 2 Week doctor appointment. <3 |
: ( oh, it is so sad. I shoved Alex in the Gerber 0-3 month onesies for an extra week even when they hardly snapped over his diaper. I always heard how sentimental people got over clothes but I never understood until now!