Tuesday, February 28, 2012


It is not even noon and we have gone through 15 diapers so far today...yikes. Babies, you need to decide: college or diapers? I'll be patiently waiting for your response. Thank you.

A New Parent Story

Order of events:

--Kate is jostled awake in the wee hours of the morning
--To her surprise, someone (me) is reaching out for her, attempting to pick her up by cupping the back of her head while at the same time supporting her back.
--"Um, what are you doing," she asks.
--I pause, confused, before replying, "Oh, you're not Nora. I apologize."
--I lie back down. We both quickly return to sleep.

Sadly, this is not a first for us.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Where We're Going We Don't Need Roads

Seven years ago today, a 24 1/2-year old Corey was getting ready for a drinks-and-darts first date at Mulligan's with a certain lucky lady named Kate. I wonder...if 31 1/2-year old Corey could jump in his Delorean (after feeding and changing his 6-week old newborn twins, of course) and go back to that night in February 2005...what would he say?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I know that everyone thinks their children are amazing, attractive, smart, and talented, but mine really are. For example, last night I was changing Nolan and trying to be careful about it (you know how unpredictable little boy babies can be while being changed). As I'm standing next to the changing table, half-asleep, I feel the oddest sensation down around my feet.

Somehow my son just managed to pee IN my socks. Incredible.